Penny 24th June 2020

Darling Gavin. So many memories......I remember him as a little baby and small boy who had lovely blonde hair. I had to look after him and Charm when my sister went into hospital to have Ed. All he would eat was eggs.......he called them aggs! I took them to the swings ......he fell off and got a bump on his head. I was so worried I rang his dad to ask what to do. His dad asked him if I bought him some sweets would that make him feel better......of course he said yes so off we went to the sweet shop.At school he was an A star student throughout. At uni he joined the wrong queue to enrol in his course but just decided to do that degree anyway. He could’ve done anything he was a very clever boy and man.I cherish the holiday I had in London with him and my sister. He took us all over. I remember going to hampton court palace where we went into a maize. He said follow me I’ll get us all out........of course he didn’t! Follow me I said.........and low and behold I got us straight out.......he was very impressed with his aunt Penn. I will always remember him having a wonderful sense of humour, being kind and always a charming man which I will cherish because he always was charming with his aunt Penn. I loved him dearly, was so proud of what he achieved and there always will be a place in my heart for my dear dear nephew. From Aunt Penn